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EADES release new EP ‘Abstract Education’

Rating: 5 out of 5.

If you are wanting to listen to exhilarating alternative rock/indie music to get you pumped up this Bank Holiday weekend, then look no further. Leeds band Eades have just released their new EP ‘Abstract Education’, perfectly timed for your Monday barbeque.

The title of the EP suggests that EADES are looking to take listeners out of their existing reality, and introduce them to an element of unconventional and expressive sound. This motif is strongly delivered by driving riffs, funky bass lines and enticing lead vocals from Harry Jordan.

The band play with their use of percussion, as well as using various tempo changes. This can be distinctly heard in ‘Smoking Hour‘ and ‘Former Warnings Cluster‘. Their smooth tempo transitions example the efforts and creativity put behind the production of this EP. Their sound may be nostalgic to some, reminiscent of The Beatles and Oasis: not quite psychedelic but borderline experimental. ‘Abstract Education’ transports you back to the 90’s Britpop era, where going to gigs on a weekend and socialising with friends without a mask was normal. This is an EP that will unite people who are coming out of lockdown and get the crowds going.

‘Smoking Hour’ is a personal favourite of mine. Harry Jordan’s alluring vocals sear through the melodic verses, creating a chill vibe that opposes his powerful vocals in the chorus. The two different sounds create great contrast, making sure the track isn’t entirely on one level. You can only imagine the audience’s reaction when this track is played live, but it is clearly going to be a crowd shaker. Moving on to ‘Coltrane‘, where the real groove of this song has to be the addition of a cowbell. Although some musicians feel a bit silly performing live with this particular instrument, its distinct sound adds a perfect edge and quality to any indie-rock track.

EADES’ use of percussion is exemplary and used to perfection. The song progression in ‘Coltrane’ continues, as they emphasise their syncopation with strong attacks on the drums and electric guitars. My only criticism is that the song ended too soon! You can’t help but put this track on repeat. There is a strong sense of freedom felt when listening to this EP, and ‘Abstract Education’ screams confidence, excitement and energy. Given the events of the past year, each song brings a sense of revival as you release the tension within. I truly believe that the reception of this EP will be exceptional, particularly when it is performed to a live audience.

Listening to this EP was my first encounter with EADES. My first impression is that they are a band with a clearly defined sound, who are confident in the music they are creating. This is an EP with quirky song titles and even quirkier tracks, making it hard to sit still when listening.